When developers have fun creating a product, it often reflects in the quality of what's produced. Work hard and work smart, but remember to leave room for fun.
It's a tale as old as time, but communication is key. Whether it's feedback, a schedule notice, or a deadline issue, be prompt, clear, and honest.
"If everything you try works, you aren't trying hard enough." - Gordon Moore
Never stop learning; the tech industry won't wait up.
About Me

At RIT, I've worked on software and design projects from quick, iterative prototyping to full-scale production and documentation. My experience has primarily been in small cross-functional teams following a scrum-like process while prioritizing agile principles.
Another passion of mine is front-end web development. In my exploration of web technologies, I've ended up primarily using Svelte and Tailwind because of the flexibility and control they offer.
In a place where I'm warmed by the sun, cooled by the shade, and refreshed by the breeze, with a painted sky above and the mountains of home surrounding, I find my greatest peace.